Saturday, September 28, 2019

G is for Gross

Happy Saturday!

The Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers is hosting a "G is for Gross" challenge.  Totally up my alley with my sick sense of humor.  Unfortunately, I don't have a whole lot of stamps to go with it.  So I improvised with the Blueprints stamps from Club Scrap. I can't count the times I've smashed by thumb with a hammer.  Remember when we had to hammer those stupid eyelets before new and improved tools came out? :)

Club Scrap papers, stamps. Tonic Nuvo drops. Copic Markers. 


  1. LOL, this totally works! I remember trying a red spray mist I'd bought, and realizing, hey, this works for blood spatter, but otherwise? And now there's a card I can CASE anytime I want. :D Thanks for joining the fun again at the SIsterhood of Snarky Stampers!

  2. OUCH! I can feel the pain! Yep, I remember hammering eyelets and bashing my fingers - and I remember the words I used to use, too (mind you, those words have been repurposed now). Thank you for getting gross with us at SOSS

  3. That's hysterical. Love it. The challenge reminds me of a stamp I once saw for the outside of an envelope that said, "Toenail clippings enclosed." I'll always regret not buying it.

  4. Yep yep yep, eyelets before a, wow I am aging myself there!
    This is sooooooo super fab!!
    Thanks for getting gross with Edna and the sisterhood of snarky stampers!

  5. Thanks for joining the fun again at the SIsterhood of Snarky Stampers! Jo x
