Welcome to the Club Scrap Big Top Blog Hop!
If you've jumped here from Anne's blog you're in the right spot.
If not, head back to Club Scrap to see what Karen has created.
Big Top is such a fun, happy kit. The colors are bold and inviting and the prints make me smile with memories of the circus or fair. The stamps...hysterical! "Not my circus, not my monkeys." I might have said that a time or two at work.
Even though the prints are perfect for the circus, fairs or carnivals, I wanted to use the papers for something other, just to demonstrate how you don't have to use pictures of the theme.
Each kit comes with ALSB (Assembly Line Scrapbooking) instructions. I actually liked the layout designs and embellishing on some of the pages so I improvised and merged layouts 1 & 2 with 9 & 10.
Layouts 1 and 2
Layouts 9 and 10
Supplies: Club Scrap papers, tags, ribbon, banner pieces and stamps. Pebbles alphabet. K&Co. leaves.
I thought the original tag was too dark and busy for this layout so I sanded it down and stamped a quote over it.
I hope you enjoyed my take on the ALSB combinations.
Please continue on to see what wonderful projects Josette has created for you.